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Christine Wong and Elaine Beaulieu host a virtual event called (Bee)tween Us, where a podcast will be suggested for your listening, and a structured discussion on the chosen topic will take place in a round table open discussion (your favourite beverage in hand).

(Bee)tween Us is an opportunity to discuss topics affecting our teaching, our students, and our productivity, which are meant to be friendly and less taxing on our time than a book club. We don't record a podcast; we discuss a podcast!

Previous BeeTween Us Virtual Events

March 2023 - Reflection

Elaine Beaulieu hosted the discussion on March 17, from 11:30am-12:30pm

Suggested Podcast was: Reflect to deflect from Tea for Teaching (40min)

Students experiencing difficulty in challenging courses will sometimes blame their professor, especially when their professor’s identity does not align with the student’s cultural stereotype of who is a professor. In this episode, Melissa Eblen-Zayas joins us to discuss how she uses metacognitive reflection exercises to address student biases.

Here are some of the questions that guided our discussion of this episode:

  • Have students ever directly or indirectly communicated to you that their academic performance was your fault?

  • How did you control or respond to this situation?

  • Have you ever introduced metacognitive reflection exercises into your courses? 

  • Should we systematically introduce this type of reflection in first or even second year courses?

November 2022 - Learning Analytics

Elaine Beaulieu hosted the first BeeTween Us podcast discussion on Monday 28 November, from 10-11am.

Suggested podcast was: Episode 5: Measuring Learning Analytics Impact, featuring Bart Rienties (Open University, UK) and Linda Corrin (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia) from the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SOLAR), 30 minutes.

For some years now, data science has been permeating all fields, including education. The platforms we use generate data about our students' behaviours and learning activities that we can use to better understand what is happening in our courses and how to improve them. How do we use these platforms, what information can we get from them, is it possible to use them to improve our teaching and our students' learning, what does it involve?

To learn more about what learning analytics is, you can watch this video: Learning analytics in a nutshell 

January 2023 - Collaborative Rubric Construction

Christine Wong hosted the second BeeTween Us virtual event on Friday January 13 from 1-2 pm.

Suggested podcast was: Tea for Teaching podcast #264 which explores Collaborative Rubric Construction. Here is a link to the podcast episode if you would like to listen to it:

Students may not immediately trust faculty who they perceive as being different from themselves. In this episode, Dr. Fen Kennedy joins us to discuss how collaborative rubric construction can be used as a strategy for building and maintaining trust. Fen is an assistant professor of dance at the University of Alabama and the author of a chapter in Picture a Professor, edited by Jessamyn Neuhaus.

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